Our Story


Privacy Policy



This is the privacy policy of SNOOP PTY LTD (ABN 632 383 503) (“Snoop”, or “we”, “us” or “our” as the context may require). The purpose of this policy is to clearly state how Snoop intends to meet its obligations under 1) the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) and, to the extent applicable, 2) the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’), where we process personal data relating to identifiable EU residents; 3) the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK) (‘UK Act’), where we process personal information relating to UK residents; and 4) the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (‘CCPA’), where we process personal information relating to residents of California; and other laws where applicable.

Our Privacy Policy details the sort of information Snoop may collect about you, how Snoop manages, uses and discloses your personal information, sets out some of your privacy rights in relation to personal information and advises how you can contact us with privacy queries.

Snoop recognises the trust you place in our company through your dealings with us. We do everything we can to maintain that trust. Our staff are employed on the understanding they will protect information about you. Under the Privacy Act, your rights to privacy are also protected. Where applicable, the GDPR, UK Act and the CCPA also place strict requirements on us to treat as confidential certain information provided to us by EU, UK and California residents.

By accessing, browsing or using any website owned and/or operated by Snoop (each a “Site”) or otherwise providing your information to us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Since this Privacy Policy is subject to change without prior notice, you should check back on this Privacy Policy regularly. All changes are effective from the date of posting the revised Privacy Policy. By continuing to use the Site(s) after the Privacy Policy has been varied or by otherwise providing your information to us, you agree to be bound by the variation.

What is Personal Information?

“Personal information” is information or an opinion about an identified person, or information from which a person could reasonably be identified. That is regardless of whether the information or opinion is true, and whether or not it is stored in a material or intangible/electronic form.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information from you when you knowingly provide it to us, such as through our Site(s), via email correspondence or otherwise as provided by you. We aim only to collect personal information that is necessary to carry on our business and to supply you with the goods and/or services that you have contracted or requested us to provide. However, we may also collect information about you to do internal research and to conduct market research for our own purposes.

We may collect the following personal information: · your name and contact details, such as your telephone or mobile phone number, email or postal address;

· payment details, such as credit card numbers and billing information; and

· other information that you provide to us, workplace/place of business, date of birth, title or gender.

While we endeavour to only collect personal information from you directly, we may also collect information from the following sources that you may be unaware of including:

· third parties (via agencies on our behalf or our internet service provider);

· public directories and listings;

· personal interactions with Snoop employees; and

· electronic information from email or the Internet.

Before collecting information of a sensitive nature or information relating to an individual’s health, we will seek consent from the individuals concerned.

Use and Disclosure of Information

Snoop will use and disclose your personal information if the disclosure is necessary to answer your enquiry or request, to supply you with goods and/or services requested, or to complete the services we provide.

When we collect personal information from you, we will use it for the reason/s we collected it and for other reasonable business purposes, which may include:

· to database, store and process your personal information to provide you with the goods and/or services you have requested;

· to enable us to improve and develop our products and services;

· to understand your needs, to customise services to meet your needs and preferences, and to provide you with a better service;

· market research;

· to conduct our business;

· to send you promotional and marketing material which promotes our business and services, including if you have subscribed to receive updates or other communications from us;

· to send you updates or other communications including electronically, whether by newsletters, electronic direct mail or other means;

· to assess suitability for a position at Snoop;

· to provide you with information and other value-added services;

· to provide you with access to third-party experts in order to provide advice, information or other services;

· development of programs or material that may benefit our customers;

· to deal with any enquiries or complaints and for support purposes; and

· to comply with our legal obligations or as required or authorised by law.

We may disclose your personal information:

· where we have sought your consent or as is otherwise allowed or required by law;

· to our related companies, contractors, suppliers or service providers for the purposes of providing products and services on our behalf and performing our administration and other operations, including accounting and finance checks, IT, marketing, record keeping and statistical purposes, market research, safety purposes, fulfilment services and/or Site traffic analysis;

· to service providers for the purposes of providing goods or services that may be of interest to you or that you have requested;

· to any entity to which we propose to assign any part of our business; or

· or to other organisations with whom we have contractual agreements.

We will never sell your personal information.

Transfer of Information Outside of Australia

Personal information which we collect and hold is stored within our locally housed data servers in Australia. We utilise some cloud-based service providers for specific functions, such as email and accounts, who may store certain information on our behalf on servers based in the United States and Singapore. These service providers are engaged pursuant to terms of service requiring stringent privacy compliance in respect of this data.

We will not send your personal information outside of Australia unless:

· It is necessary (including to provide the personal information to a third party) to provide our goods and/or services to you;

· You have provided your consent;

· We believed on reasonable grounds that the organisation involved would only deal with your personal information in a similar manner to the requirements under the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’), GDPR, UK Act or the CCPA (as applicable); or

· Where otherwise allowed by the Privacy Act, GDPR, UK Act or the CCPA (as applicable).

Sensitive information

We will not collect use or disclose sensitive information (such as information about racial or ethnic origins or political or religious beliefs) except with your specific consent and where it is necessary for our specific business functions or activities, as required by law, or in the circumstances permitted in the Privacy Act or other applicable legislation.


The use of cookies and other information is used on our Site to optimise the viewing experience, troubleshoot any problems and better serve content. A cookie is a piece of information that our web server may send to your machine when you visit our Site. The cookie is stored on your machine, but does not identify you or give us any information about your computer, so is not personally identifiable information under current Australian law, although it may be in other jurisdictions. A cookie helps us to recognise you when you re-visit our Site and to co-ordinate your access to different pages on the Site, and helps us to optimise your experience, troubleshoot any problems and better serve content. With most Internet browsers, you can erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. If you want to do this, refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more.

Links to Other Websites

Our Sites may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our Site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Remember, this Privacy Policy is strictly limited to our collection, storage and use of personally identifiable information collected via the Sites or otherwise in the course of our business, and does not apply to any third parties. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such websites and such websites are not governed by this Privacy Policy. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement policy applicable to the website in question.

Storage and Security

Any information that we no longer use is destroyed. The exception to this may be information required for possible data analysis at a future date, or information we are legally required or advised to hold for specific time periods. Wherever possible, the information will be retained in a form that does not allow you to be identified.

If you have applied for a position at Snoop and have been unsuccessful, your application and associated documentation will be held for a period of three (3) months after the position that you applied for is filled, and then destroyed unless you request that this information be held in case other positions, that you would like to be considered for, arise in the future.

The security of your information is important to us. When we have collected information about you it cannot be seen or modified by anyone other than those authorised to access the information for the purposes stated above. We will endeavour to make reasonable efforts to ensure information is stored securely in electronic form and to keep this information accurate, up to date, complete and relevant. We ensure only those necessary have access to your personal information. Electronic and managerial procedures have been put in place to reasonably secure any information collected from misuse, interference or loss, and in order to prevent unauthorised access, modification to or disclosure of that information. We utilise systems, services and third party platforms to manage and store your personal information that are located outside of Australia. However, we will never lose effective control of your personal information.

Your Rights, Access and Correction of Information

You may request details of personal information held about you by Snoop except where law allows us to refuse your request, in which case we will provide reasons why we have refused. A small fee may be payable. We may provide you with this information verbally or in writing, as may be appropriate. If you would like a copy of the information held on you, please see send an email to our Privacy Officer (details can be found at the base of this document).

We will take reasonable steps to amend or correct your personal information to keep it accurate and up to date. If you believe that any information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, please write or email us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

In limited circumstances, and only where it is permitted under the Privacy Act, we may not be able to provide access to information: for example, where it would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of others or where we believe your request is frivolous or vexatious

EU, UK and California residents also have the following additional rights:

· the right to be informed about how their personal information is being used;

· the right to request that we erase their personal information (right to be forgotten);

· the right to obtain a copy of their personal information on request;

· the right to have incorrect personal information updated;

· the right to transfer their personal information to another person or entity (right of data portability);

· the right to restrict or object to processing, or withdraw consent to processing;

· the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (see below);

· the right to know what personal information is sold or shared and to whom; and

· the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information (Do Not Sell My Personal Information right).

Privacy Concerns or Complaints

If you have any queries or concerns about your personal information, or would like to make a privacy or personal information related complaint, please contact our Privacy Officer for assistance (see details below). We will treat your complaint confidentially, investigate your complaint and aim to ensure that we contact you and that your complaint is resolved within a reasonable time or the time required by the Privacy Act.

If we are unable to satisfactorily resolve your concerns or complaint, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at www.oaic.gov.au or the local regulator in your jurisdiction in the UK, Europe or California, as applicable.

Contact us

You can contact us using the following details:

Privacy Officer

Snoop Pty Ltd

Email: zerofucks@zerofucks.com

Last updated May 2024